3 Day Detox Instructions
Why Detox?
The purpose of a detox is to cleanse the body of stored toxins. Every human does have built in ‘detox’ mechanisms in our bodies, however, with our lifestyle today and the polluted world we live in, our bodies receive more toxins then it is built to handle. Therefore by going through a detox a couple times a year, we help flush out toxins which are stored in fat reservoirs bringing our system back into normal balance. This only happens when you go past the 24 hour mark at a major caloric deficit, which is why our detox programs are 2 days minimum.
What you can expect?
Depending on how ‘toxic’ you body is you may have symptoms of nausea and headaches. This is not abnormal, however if you find any major discomfort or vomiting sets in, you may want to discontinue. Due to the low caloric intake, you may find yourself with low energy, a little shaky or dizzy at times. This again is a normal reaction. You may also not have a bowel movement as you are having no fiber, do not be concerned, the bowels will begin to move 24 hours after you start eating again. On the other hand, if you do have stools in your colon, it’s very possible that they will move out due to the beet juice, so be prepared for both cases. Lots of urination should happen as it’s a liquid diet and your body will be flushing.
Getting Started
Make sure that you have 2 days that are quiet and a ‘low activity’ schedule. You want to make sure that you will be able to get outside to go for a walk each day and also have plenty of rest time. If you are a female and menstruating, this is not a good time to do the fast. Wait until it’s over. Some people find it’s easier to go through the fast during busy work days to keep their mind off of food, this would be your personal choice, but a quiet ‘low-key’ environment is better for the detox.
Continue your detox by joining our 1 week or monthly meal program:
We deliver, order in store or on line: www.energyshackjuicebar.com
- Begin New Start Meal Plan after your mild cleanse (30 days of plant based food only)
- To learn more about the NEW START program, and how to eat after the fast, watch online: www.energyshackjuicebar.com/free-consultation
Keys to a successful Juice fast
- Get plenty of rest. 7-9 hours each night – naps are good if you can also
- Avoid heavy physical activity
- Do not take supplements high in oils (eg: fish / flax seed)
- Drink plenty of water between juices
- Herbal teas are helpful to keep hunger at bay (Peppermint, chamomile etc) Avoid all caffeinated beverages including coffee, black tea, green tea & white tea
- Get out-side, even in the cold. Bundle up and get fresh air. Deep breathing is wonderful!
- More energy
- Healthier skin
- Better quality sleep
- Improved cardiovascular health
- Reduction or elimination of aches and pains in muscles and joints
- Decrease or elimination of headaches
- Stabilization of blood pressure
- More efficient digestion
- Stabilization of bowel movements
- Loss of excess weight
- Elimination of stored toxins
- Improvement with a wide variety of chronic degenerative health conditions, including autoimmune disorders
Breaking the Fast
- End by eating whole fruits and mostly vegetables
- ‘Chew food until liquid (critical to maintaining the positive changes that you will have created in your GI tract with your juice fast)’
- 2 days of juicing = 2 days of raw (available to purchase)
- Start your day of raw with warm lemon juice
- Begin New Start Meal Plan after ‘raw food’ days (30 days of plant based food only)
Detox Menu
(Drink juices slowly, when finished, move onto purified water until next ‘meal’. You are welcome to have herbal teas like Chamomile/ Peppermint/ Rosehip between meals as well. Do not have any Green/ white/ black or flavored teas. Please call your nutritionists if you have any questions: 647-637-6755
DAY 1:
Breakfast & Lunch (1/2 bottle each serving)
- REHYDRATE Help to rehydrate yourself from the inside out with this refreshing drink that will also aid in balancing blood sugar and increase electrolytes (Ingredients: Carrots, cucumber, lettuce, organic coconut water, lemon, distilled water)
- Dinner
- SYSTEM DETOX – Cleanses liver, detoxifies system, improves digestion (Ingredients: Beets, carrots, spinach, celery, lemon, ginger)
DAY 2:
Breakfast & Lunch
- PHYTO-REPAIR – Immune system, vision, skin and bone health– Phytonutrient Rich (Ingredients: Carrots, kale, parsley, spinach, cucumber, red pepper, lemon)
- Dinner
- IRON RICH – Strengthens blood & liver, increases iron (Ingredients: Carrots, beets, spinach, kale, lemon)
DAY 3:
Breakfast & Lunch
- BLOOD BUILDER – Cleansing overall blood and increase iron, and aids in cell repair and good especially to regulate blood Pressure (Ingredients: Radish, carrots, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, ginger, lemon)
- Dinner
- RE-BOOT – Boosts immune system, cleansing for liver – great for every day detox (Ingredients: Sweet Peppers, beet, celery, cucumber, onion, lemon juice)
Breaking the Fast
Eating raw for the equal number of days that you have done juicing is important. Chewing until your food is liquid is IMPERATIVE as your body has not had to deal with solid food for a number of days. Keep ‘good fats’ out of your diet just for the first day, the rest of the days you can eat ‘good fats’. See an idea of schedule below:
DAY 1:
- Glass of warm water with lemon juice squeezed into it. (Drink quickly) (wait 15 min) then one more glass of warm water (wait 15 min)
- 2-3 FRESH FRUITS – chewed well or blended with some frozen if you like, and only water (no bananas)
- Drink water and only water 1 hour after eating
- Mid Morning
- 1-2 FRESH FRUITS – chewed well
- Lunch
- Large Leafy Green Salad with all kinds of raw veggies – no good fats, just fresh lemon or lime juice as the dressing.
- Dinner
- Large Leafy Green Salad with all kinds of raw veggies – no good fats, just fresh lemon or lime juice as the dressing OR
DAY 2(3):
- Breakfast
- Glass of warm water with lemon juice squeezed into it. (Drink quickly) (wait 15 min) then one more glass of warm water (wait 15 min)
- 2-3 FRESH FRUITS – chewed well or blended with some frozen if you like, and only water (bananas are now ok) + A SMALL HANDFUL OF RAW NUTS/ SEEDS – optional
- Lunch
- Large Leafy Green Salad with all kinds of raw veggies – You may add raw nuts/ seeds, avocado / olive oil.
- Dinner
- Large Leafy Green Salad with all kinds of raw veggies – no good fats, just fresh lemon or lime juice as the dressing OR
*You may also purchase a day of ‘raw’ foods from the Shack for $30 – call or email for details 647-637-6755 info@energyshackjuicebar.com